A World Springs to Life on an Urban Wall

Impresionante mural de dos artistas grafiteros brasileños que se llaman a sí mismos "Os Gemeos" en una esquina de la cuidad de New York. (Houston Street y el Bowery)

With their first public artwork in Manhattan, which went up at the northwest corner of Houston Street and the Bowery on July 17, the Brazilian brothers Otavio and Gustavo Pandolfo, who call themselves Os Gêmeos, bring graffiti art to its Rococo phase. Which is to say that their fantastic, epic mural, on a concrete wall about 17 feet high and about 51 feet long, is light and frothy, a dream of happiness with an underlying chord of melancholy. And everything in it is exquisitely fine-tuned and detailed, a dazzlement of effortless technique that sustains long bouts of close looking. It will remain up until March.

via: nytimes

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